Vendor registration is now closed! Please email us at [email protected]. We will see you all Saturday 11/25/23, 10a-3p.
Vendor payment options below.
Additional payment options:
Checks can be mailed to:
Attn.: Lindsay Williams
Auburn Mountainview High School
28900 124th Ave SE
Auburn, WA 98092
Please make checks payable to AMHS Booster Club and notate Winter Bazaar tables in the memo.
Additionally, checks/cash can be dropped off in the school’s main office in a sealed envelope marked Attn.: Lindsay Williams). The office staff will place it in our safe for us to pick up.
Depending on availability, additional tables/space may be purchased during check in on the day of the event.
We understand that life happens, but table fees are not refundable. All proceeds will benefit our community at AMHS.
updated 11/7/23